Explorer Uploads


We here at the Dacia Duster Explorers want to grow this 4×4 group and to do this we want to showcase the best of your adventures in the UK with your Dacia Duster 4×4,

By uploading your videos/photos you agree that we can use them and in some instances that we can modify them to promote our group on our social media and share these files with the manufacturer ‘Dacia’ if they request them.

We’ll always refer to you as an ‘Explorer’ and as such please provide your name so that we can correctly tell the world which explorer you are for example ‘Explorer Adam’, Please use the additional info box for any other tags you want us to use for example your Instagram tag and we’ll try to include it in any posts we publish.

IMPORTANT: ONCE Uploaded PLEASE press the complete button or we won’t get your file!

Sometimes the system is not sending the email telling us you’ve sent us something, please let us know on the messenger icon or send an email to adam@daciadusterexplorers.co.uk so we know to download it!